What is EQi 2.0?
A set of 15 scales and subscales that determine how we perceive ourselves and manage our own emotions, and how we perceive others and their emotions, in order to manage ourselves and our relationships in positive and effective ways.
The five broad scales are (1) self-perception, (2) self-expression, (3) interpersonal, (4) decision-making, and (5) stress management.
There are ten subscales that underpin the larger scales with supporting behaviors such as, self-regard, assertiveness, empathy, problem-solving, and flexibility to name a few.
As a coach, I employ a “co-active” model of facilitation which is chiefly about discovery (EQ-i 2.0 assessment); awareness (analysis of assessment results); and choice (creation and adherence to a client-determined development plan). In order for the coaching relationship to be successful, the following qualities must be present: respect, openness, compassion, empathy, and rigorous commitment to speaking the truth. My job as a coach is to help clients articulate their chosen purpose, clarify their goals, and to assist them in achieving their desired outcomes.